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    Home » News » Glass with led: the technology of Vetroin glass with led

    07 February 2011

    Glass with led: the technology of Vetroin glass with led

    Renovating the interior of your office and are interested in glassworks with an integrated LED technology? In this case, Vetroin is exactly what you need. LED is a lightning technology that allows using low-power electric power, thus saving power consumption and reducing environmental pollution. On top of it, LED has a very long service life.  Unfortunately, today it is still impossible to use LED for private home lighting, but the studies are underway. So far, this technology is widely used for street lighting and in household appliances indicators. For some time already LED has been installed in partitions and glass doors using a sophisticated technology.

    Production of such glass sheets with an integrated LED is one of the key business lines for Vetroin, along with production of other high-performance products, such as VetroInteractive wall partitions and panels with LCD film. Such wall partitions become either opaque or transparent depending on whether they are “switched on” or “switched off”, ensuring required confidentiality during meetings or interviews. VetroInteractive wall partitions are glass panels with a sensor technology”Touch”, similar to that used in cell phones.  If you purchase glass doors with LED, your office will acquire transparent walls that may be lighted, projecting pictures and the play of light. If you are looking for a company specializing in office furnitures and applying such latest techniques, as glassworks with LED, Vetroin – is just what you need.

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