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    Home » News » Laser incision on glass; a work of great impact

    04 January 2016

    Laser incision on glass; a work of great impact

    One of the most beautiful and peculiar works that Vetroin offers you, is certainly the laser incision on glass. We’ve got latest-generation machinery being able to perform laser incision even on great-dimension glass, which can then be destined to be a partition wall or a sliding door for your office.
    With this technique it is possible to obtain some spectacular designs, which are very peculiar and cared-for in every minimum detail. This way, one could delineate the company’s logo, write a phrase representing the firm’s philosophy, or even represent landscapes, natural views etc…. The list could truly become endless.
    Only by browsing through our latest creations’ images, onto our website’s page dedicated to the very laser incision on glass, will you be able to see the final effect of this type of work and the visual impact that it is able to generate. Imagine it being in your office, in your company’s main headquarter, outside an important convention hall… Magic!
    Vetroin offers the laser incision on glass in order to guarantee a maximum personalisation; all of our company’s projects are custom-manufactured for you. Contact us to obtain further information.

    Our staff takes this opportunity to wish You the best wishes for a serene New Year.